In the middle of practice today, I had a little visitor. It was a surprise...this little boy, about 13 months old, decided to say 'Hi'. His aunty was carrying him and they peeked through the door's glass pane. So I invited them in and after awhile, he ran to the piano and started playing the white keys, while peeking at me. How cute! His tiny fingers curved nicely while pressing the keys. There was no banging, just gentle pressure on the keys.
Little children are truly treasures from above. Each child is special and unique... I realized one thing--they are the face of tomorrow! Our future teachers, nurses, doctors, politicians, artists, and many others. Investing in their lives is indeed vital. The children of our generation would be blessed to have people take time for them and impart what is good. Obedience, manners, tales from our childhood, generosity, faith, love, and the list goes on.
1 comment:
love it. :) ur sis abbie
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