In the middle of practice today, I had a little visitor. It was a surprise...this little boy, about 13 months old, decided to say 'Hi'. His aunty was carrying him and they peeked through the door's glass pane. So I invited them in and after awhile, he ran to the piano and started playing the white keys, while peeking at me. How cute! His tiny fingers curved nicely while pressing the keys. There was no banging, just gentle pressure on the keys.
Little children are truly treasures from above. Each child is special and unique... I realized one thing--they are the face of tomorrow! Our future teachers, nurses, doctors, politicians, artists, and many others. Investing in their lives is indeed vital. The children of our generation would be blessed to have people take time for them and impart what is good. Obedience, manners, tales from our childhood, generosity, faith, love, and the list goes on.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
bookshelf add-on
An add-on to my reading collection came from a dear friend for Christmas. It's Max Lucado's "He Still Moves Stones". This is the first time I'm reading his book aside from snippets in the Dayspring greeting cards. I've just finished the first chapter and looking forward to the rest of the book. He had this to say in the acknowledgments section which was quite profound.
You are about to entrust me with your most valuable asset--your time. I pledge to be a good steward.In my excitement about the book, I will leave you with this short excerpt.
A bruised reed he will not break, and a smouldering wick he will not snuff out. (Matt. 12:20) Is there anything more frail than a bruised reed? Look at the bruised reed at the water's edge. A once slender and tall stalk of sturdy river grass, it is now bowed and bent. Are you a bruised reed?
Christmas 2009
This year's Christmas has been different, but still special. I missed being home with family. My mum dressed our Christmas tree at home and I reminded her to keep it up till I got home. Christmas Eve was spent at home with my housemate. We shared pasta and tang yuen.
I attended the Christmas service at a church nearby. Well, I was a complete stranger in a big church. Not one familiar face except the pastor whom I had heard speak before at my previous church. BUT I did shake about more than ten hands though. A highlight from the service was this line. "The human heart was never made to be satisfied with material things."
To sum up Christmas day this year...lunch at Subway, bought my first 2 DVDs here (Disney Pixar's UP & 500 Days of Summer), and spent the rest of the day studying at home.
I just finished watching "UP". This is going on my list of favorite movies. The list is not long, so this was a really good one for me. The married life portrayed in the movie is a good example! Not to mention the great music on the soundtrack. I had tears in my eyes during some scenes--truly touching. I shall be watching it again soon! Please do watch it if you haven't already.
I attended the Christmas service at a church nearby. Well, I was a complete stranger in a big church. Not one familiar face except the pastor whom I had heard speak before at my previous church. BUT I did shake about more than ten hands though. A highlight from the service was this line. "The human heart was never made to be satisfied with material things."
To sum up Christmas day this year...lunch at Subway, bought my first 2 DVDs here (Disney Pixar's UP & 500 Days of Summer), and spent the rest of the day studying at home.
I just finished watching "UP". This is going on my list of favorite movies. The list is not long, so this was a really good one for me. The married life portrayed in the movie is a good example! Not to mention the great music on the soundtrack. I had tears in my eyes during some scenes--truly touching. I shall be watching it again soon! Please do watch it if you haven't already.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Speechless times
Quiet moments are precious and rare these days. Getting up early when everyone else is asleep is becoming a habit. Here is the time to enjoy the silence and reflect before starting the day.
Microsoft Office is a really neat program. I love checking the word count at the bottom of the page. Watching the numbers grow has felt like nurturing a plant even though it is in actual fact an assignment.
December is moving steadily forward to embrace the new year...let it not be wasted! May this season of the year be special for each one! Remember the reason for celebration. If we don't already have one...may we find it. :)
Microsoft Office is a really neat program. I love checking the word count at the bottom of the page. Watching the numbers grow has felt like nurturing a plant even though it is in actual fact an assignment.
December is moving steadily forward to embrace the new year...let it not be wasted! May this season of the year be special for each one! Remember the reason for celebration. If we don't already have one...may we find it. :)
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