Wednesday, August 10, 2011

fourth week of holiday...

I notice every time I find it hard to fall asleep, I would come here and type away. Well, here goes... =)

While swimming a few weeks ago, I came to a point where I was gasping for air. Maybe I was kicking too hard or...missed a stroke? Come to think about it, it was more likely that I was out of stamina...haha. I continued and felt a voice telling me to "let go". Not the suicidal kind of "let go"...! In my situation, it translated as "relax"! I decided to heed the voice and really just let go as I swam. I noticed I swam faster... Also, there were no more "out of stamina" situations. It has surely been lingering on my mind in terms of playing them black and white keys!

Something else quite profound which has lingered... As a teacher, one will always wonder whether his/her teaching would have an impact as well as effect on students. Here is something a teacher shared in class. "I don't like to scold students; I like to build them up." If this were a Facebook status, it deserves a double like.

1 comment:

Leost said...

hiii hows life~!

and whoaa, thats a very nice philosophy that the teacher shared :D makes me rethink of what kind of mindset should i have when teaching student >.<