Friday, December 31, 2010

The last minutes of 2010

What a year! I just received a text and realized that soon it will be dawning of a new decade. Like what a friend said, I left another year in college. It started with the finals for the first term, now its ending with preparation for the third term exams. Reflections are inevitable...cherished moments, regrets...but I can say that not a day has gone past without God letting me realize that He is always with me, watching over me.

Limited time...
The exams are looming...two more days to be exact. Will it be enough--the practices & preparations? Perhaps I should not be anticipating what will come after the next two weeks, but grasping each day and charging forward.

As I contemplate what to do next...with Bill Evans accompanying me through the speakers, here's to wishing you a Blessed New Year 2011! :) May your hearts be filled with much love & joy to face each new day. Take care!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Reminded of the simple joys in life

It does not have to be something big... just something small, but having and leaving a big impression upon our hearts.

A little girl around the age of nine sat beside me on the train today. Her hair was parted into two braids. She glanced at me shyly and responded to my smile. It is amazing what a smile...a genuine smile...can do. :) I regret not talking to her then as I worried her sister who was on the other side of the train might not like it. She seemed a friendly girl. Maybe I might bump into her again someday...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Summer break it is almost gone...

As I prepare to begin the fall term, my heart aches at the thought of leaving home. Again. After a month, I have grown accustomed to the day to day routine. And yet, none of these have become dull. Surprises are sprinkled here and there. God has brought special ones who impart...special moments with loved ones...a smile...a word of encouragement...visits from friends...the assurance that he is always there and he cares. Each day counts. Only I miss and squander days, but he never does. Each day and season in life is special. It has a purpose and it is the future we once saw from a far distance...happening right before our eyes. Live in action.

On a different note, I have always wanted to watch a sunset at the beach. As I stood on the sand with my family and looked at the vast sea before me, I was awestruck. The sun gradually disappeared from our view as the earth rotated. It was absolutely beautiful.

[finally... couldn't resist taking a picture of mum & dad with this backdrop.]

Monday, August 16, 2010

An African Proverb

...which may be known to many of you too.

If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together. 

"ladder" thoughts

Ever seen "The Three Stooges"? I've never seen it but here's a story I heard yesterday. A member of "The Three Stooges" was carrying a ladder on his shoulder, a long one, around town. Every time he turned...bam! x (number of people around him)...people got hurt. He would turn to these people and puzzle why they were so angry at him and not to mention, hurt! Oblivious to this, he hit others without knowing every time he turned. This is a potential picture of how a person can hurt people around them without realizing it. The ladder represents the various vices which hurt people like unkind words and actions. A simple illustration which is truly an eye opener and something to ponder before my ladder swings and hurts others. 

Monday, July 26, 2010

Somethin' interesting

On the LRT today, I saw a lady carrying a bag which had a very interesting question printed on it. 

D O N E   S O M E T H I N G

What a challenge to try to do something extraordinary each day...something good which serves others.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sneezing: To cover or not to cover

I read an interesting article on yahoo this morning "Yuck: Few people correctly cover coughs, sneezes". Like most people, our hands automatically fly to our mouth when we sneeze. Well, in an attempt to protect society from germs from flying around, the germs may be spread further…unless further precautions are taken i.e. washing hands right after sneezing! If not, it is inevitable that we will touch doorknobs and switches among other things. 

Health officials recommend the "Dracula" move. Remember how Dracula suddenly draws up his cape? Haha. That's the way to cover a sneeze. Weird... and I would think--unsanitary too as it spreads germs to the clothes. Not ideal as research shows only 1 in 77 did this. Good news! Another preferred option is using a tissue or handkerchief.

Something to think about the next time we sneeze! 

Friday, January 29, 2010

Treasured Memories: Skating...

Ice Skating! Is this considered a sport? If yes, I love it! :) It was a first for some of us including me. I must say--how fun!!! There was much laughter as we flailed our arms and tried to keep ourselves upright. Sore legs most certainly followed the next day but it was worth it! The feeling of gliding on "ice" is...wonderful. Freedom. Stress relief after the exams. Thank you Amy, Cheryl, KeYi and Jane!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

post exam

After almost five months of gruelling practice and studying, the fall term has finally come to an end. Well, almost. There is still the term concert next week. Then I will be heading home! How time flies. It is the mark of a decade. The New Year was ushered in admist music history studies. It is after the exam, but I can still tell you Johann Sebastian Bach, the famous Baroque period composer, was born on March 21, 1685 in Eisenach, Germany. That is what exams are for. Retaining knowledge. But whether it stays after is another matter altogether.

My classmates and I had a great time playing Uno right after our final paper. We just sat on the floor in the studio and joked away. Special times. All the stress has finally passed. For now.

Things which I have wanted to do for months but were casted aside can finally come out of their hiding! Read. Craft. Play new pieces. Watch some movies. Ice skate. The list goes on...